
Day 291 First Night Chatham New Year Eve 2013-2014

First Night Chatham is a family friendly, alcohol free New Year’s Eve celebration focused on the arts held on Tuesday December 31st  Come celebrate New years eve  on the Cape!

First Night Chatham has become a wonderful way for people to come together and ring in the New Year in a safe, festive atmosphere. Centered on Main Street, First Night Chatham offers something for everyone – a circus, musicians, local artists, theater, indoor mini golf, early fireworks for children, ice sculpting and wood carving, extraordinary performers of music, a clamorous noise parade, the Countdown Cod Drop, and a fantastic fireworks finale!  Events start at noon and run all day

The First Night Chatham button is required for admission  to almost all indoor events, as well as for the
Horse-drawn Rides outdoors.  See list of all Button-Free activities.


Adult buttons (age 12 and up) are $18.00Children’s buttons (ages 3-11) are $5.00Children under 3: Free