
Day 311 Cape Cod Canal Boating & Water Safety Day 2014 in Sandwich MA

The 9th Annual Cape Cod Canal Boating & Water Safety Day,will be held on Saturday May 24th from  10am-2pm, rain or shine at the Cape Cod Canal Visitor Center.

Coast Guard Station open house, dock-side boat tours at Sandwich Marina, water & boating safety activities, games & prizes for kids, boating safety presentations and demonstrations, Bobber the Water Safety Dog and more, promotional and informational handouts on water and boating safety.

Get ready for the summer with a vessel safety check by the US Coast Guard Auxiliary. Bring your boat, get your vessel safety check decal and receive a voucher for a free boat launch at Sandwich Marina (held from 9am to 2pm, across from the boat ramp).

Activities held inside and outside at the Cape Cod Canal Visitor Center, the US Coast Guard Station and Sandwich Marina.